Charlène de Mónaco está muy afectada debido a la muerte de la hija de unos amigos suyos. La pequeña de 19 meses cayó a una piscina y falleció por ahogamiento, en el momento en el que los padres se despistaron un segundo. «La niña siempre paseaba por el jardín de los vecinos, aquel fatídico día debió caer ala piscina. Cuando la encontraron, ya era demasiado tarde. Nada podía devolverle la vida a su bebé y no puedo ni imaginar el dolor que ambos sintieron en ese momento», explicó la princesa de Mónaco a la revista «Point de Vue». La esposa de Alberto de Mónaco es exnadadora olímpica y tiene una fundación, Princesa Charlène, donde se imparten clases de natación para todas las edades. Por lo que está noticia le podría afectar de un modo aún más personal. DAY OF THE AFRICAN CHILD Extract from a special OpEd from HSH Princess Charlene “Discovering the joy of #swimming inspired me to dedicate 20 years of my life to realise my dream to become an Olympic swimmer. Competing in the water taught me the importance of discipline, respect for oneself and others and dedication. Most significantly, I saw how learning to swim could not only change lives, as it did mine, but also save lives. During my swimming career, it was important to me to teach children how to be safe in the water. It is an essential life skill, like learning to safely cross a road. In South Africa, where I grew up, #drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death after road accidents. It’s not much talked about. You could say it’s a hidden #epidemic in a supposedly dry continent. In fact, Africa has vast swathes of seas, lakes and rivers. In coastal cities, you often find the shoreline crowded with people but as most of them can’t swim, they simply dip their toes at the water’s edge. The trouble is, it doesn’t take much for a child, or an adult, to slip and drown in a few centimetres of water or be swept out by a rogue wave or current. The @WHO estimates that drowning claims the lives of more than 60,000 children under five and over 360,000 people globally each year. It claims a similar number of lives today as diseases such as diarrhoea and measles did in the 1970s and 1980s. Africa’s drowning statistics are sadly the highest in the world but they barely get a mention in the media. As Patron of the @saredcross, I am promoting #watersafety, #firstaid and #CPR training - for children and by children. Education like this is crucial to saving lives and stopping the needless grief that afflicts the families of those who drown. On this Day of the African Child, as we celebrate the joy, laughter and future of our precious children, I urge the world’s governments to put water safety and the elimination of drowning on the development agenda. If countries, NGOs, and international bodies join forces, drowning need no longer be a silent killer. Water is precious and so are our children." #savinglives with @rnli and @bloombergdotorg Una publicación compartida de HSH Princess Charlene (@hshprincesscharlene) el 16 Jun, 2017 a las 2:06 PDT En los meses de verano las muertes por ahogamiento se incrementan en junio, julio y agosto. El año pasado, un 49,2% de ahogamientos fueron solo durante los meses estivales, según los datos del Informe Nacional de Ahogamientos.
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